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School Council Support Guide

Welcome to ˿Ƶ's School Council Support Guide, a source of information about expectations, procedures, and roles within school councils.

The ˿Ƶ District School Board (˿ƵDSB) values the participation of parents as partners in education and provides a variety of opportunities to encourage parents to become involved in our schools. Together, these avenues create a robust parental involvement program in our school board.

For many parents, regular and open communication with their child's teacher satisfies their desire for information and involvement in school life. This communication is supported by school newsletters and other communications sent home from the school.

School Councils

For some parents, participation in the local school council of their children's school provides a greater level of involvement. A parent chairs the local school council and the principal acts as a resource. For a school council to be effective, it requires the principal's support and guidance. The principal makes it a priority to empower others and create conditions in which everyone works together to attain common goals.Board Policy B-6.1, School Councils, contains essential information about expectations, procedures, and roles within the school council.

Regional School Councils

Regional School Councils include parent representatives from each school council. School council members discuss matters that affect all of the schools in their superintendency and share best practices across schools. Regional School Council meetings are chaired by a parent with a Superintendent of Student Achievement in attendance acting as a resource. The Superintendent makes it a priority to empower others and create conditions in which everyone works together to attain common goals. School council members and parents are welcome to attend any meeting. Please refer to Board Policy B-6.2, School Council Associations, for essential information.

Board-wide Committees

˿ƵDSB provides further opportunities for involvement of interested parents at a Board-wide level. Parents may serve on committees that advise the Board on communication strategies, plan actions that support school councils, and plan the annual Parent Conference. Parents are also invited by Board policy to participate on committees that are established to examine accommodations, review school boundaries, and provide input on other matters, including strategic planning.


Parents or community members with the highest level of interest and commitment to education may choose to run in a municipal election for the role of Trustee and become a member of the governing body of the School Board.

The overriding purpose of active participation of parents and community members on local school councils, Regional School Councils, other Board-wide committees, and the governing Board of Trustees is to improve student achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system. Community Outreach is one of the main pillars of ˿ƵDSB.

We continue to look for ways to assist our school councils by:

• providing school council professional development and training

• supporting the meetings of Regional Councils at the superintendency level

• sharing system information with school council chairpersons

• organizing an annual district-wide meeting of chairpersons, and

• organizing a yearly Parent Conference.

Our school district is committed to maintaining open communication with parents, and local and Regional School Councils. All Chairpersons have access to an e-mail account specific to their school. Other sources of information and communication with School Councils include the:

• Director's Annual Report, produced each school year

• Report Card to the Community, widely distributed through area newspapers

• Edsby and SchoolMessenger

• Board website - www.kprschools.ca.

We trust that these resources will support school council with their work in our schools. If you have suggestions about additional ways to support school councils, please let us know

The ˿Ƶ District School Board expects school councils to:

• place the interests of all students first

• promote positive attitudes towards the school, the Board, and public education

• provide advice to the principal

• represent the interests of the entire school community

• work with parents and other partners in education to share responsibility for student success

• encourage a broad spectrum of parent and community involvement in the school and educational system

• promote effective relationships among home, school, and community

• support learning environments that promote cultural identity, inclusive pedagogy, and proportional outcomes for all students

• co-operate with parents, students, staff members and others in the community

• assist parents and community members to share their views on school success

• plan actions and activities that have a positive impact on student learning

• support character education and act in a way that reflects our character attributes

• act in a manner that reflects the Board's Code of Conduct.

The principal receives advice from the School Council as part of the decision-making process, as outlined in Board Policy B-6.1. If a Principal does not accept, agree or act upon the advice received, the principal must provide the school council with the reasons for the decision.

School councils act in an advisory capacity and as a resource to the principal and, when appropriate, to the Board. This contribution is recognized by, and covered within, the Board's liability insurance, which extends coverage to school council members while they are working on behalf of the Board, on Board-authorized and approved activities. In the case of school activities, the activity would require the approval of the principal.

Communication is key to a successful council. Parents need to see, hear, and read about the school council before they will take part. It is a good idea for School councils to develop a communications plan to guide their actions. It is important to consider who needs to know what information at the end of meetings and communicate accordingly. Effective tools include newsletters, e-mail lists, bulletin boards, and school and community announcements.

School Councils that make a difference:

• build and foster relationships with parents and the community to gain a deeper understanding of who students are

• establish open, inclusive relationships that invite participation

• provide a mechanism for consultation, advice and information sharing among all members of the school community

• reflect the views of the school community

• work for the benefit of all students.

Why engage parents?

• Parents play the first and most important role in their children's education.

• Parents are the key partners in building a quality education system.

• Parental involvement contributes both to children's success in school, and to the quality of the school environment.

• Parental involvement is a significant predictor of student success; parents who are involved in their children's education in some way are more likely to have children who perform better at school.

• A positive school environment enhances children's education and the community in general.

Effective School Councils:

• identify and break down any barriers, and make the school council a warm, receptive place for parents

• encourage and welcome all parents as participants

• work together as a team

• inform parents of the many ways in which they can be involved in the school council and how these activities support learning

• have a purpose, vision or goal that is clear and well understood; this applies to the overall direction of the school council and for each meeting

• promote activities and accomplishments of the school council and the school.

Parents want:

• their children to succeed at school

• their children to experience academic excellence and feel supported as part of a learning community

• meaningful input and the ability to influence decisions affecting their children and their children's school.

The investment, support and commitment of all community stakeholders are essential for creating a strong and successful parent involvement program. Helping our students to achieve success is a shared responsibility. By working together, we can build an educational system that supports the needs of all children. Collaborating with principals, school councils can develop working relationships with all those who shape their children's education in the district.

The principal's leadership establishes the climate and shapes the culture of the entire school. They have a pivotal role in establishing a foundation for the school improvement process and school success. The principal provides a link to teachers, support staff, and all activities undertaken by the school. They oversee the organization and management of, and provide leadership for, the school. Principals also oversee the teaching and discipline of students at the school, and deal with issues of employee performance and issues confidential in nature.

Principals provide information to school councils and act as a resource on Ministry and Board policies and regulations. The principal consults the Council on educational issues and shares its recommendations with senior administration and the Board, when appropriate. They consider recommendations made by Council and advise Council on any actions taken in response to those recommendations and provide storage for important School Council records.

Superintendents of Student Achievement act as a resource to and support the Regional School Councils. They can access information, expertise or supports that the Council requires for effective functioning. Superintendents of Student Achievement are members of the Regional School Councils and would normally only attend local School Council meetings by invitation. In conjunction with the Chairperson, they have a responsibility to establish a climate that supports the Regional Council. The Superintendent of Student Achievement oversees the operations of groups of schools and leads schools in the improvement of student achievement. They also help establish fair and open conflict resolution procedures for school councils.

As the chief executive officer of the school district, the Director is the educational leader of the entire community. The Director interacts with the Board and implements the Board's policies and directions with the support of the administrative structure, including the Associate Director, System Superintendents, Superintendents of Student Achievement, Principals, and all employees. Although the Board is responsible for policies, the Director supports the Board in policy development and the establishment of district-wide goals. As such, the Director influences the district culture, which affects how parental involvement is viewed, encouraged and value.

Through strategic planning and the Areas of Emphasis, identified with community input, ˿ƵDSB is responsible for the activities and services of schools and the educational programs of the district. The School Board, formed by locally elected Trustees, and an appointed First Nation Trustee, is legally responsible to the Ministry of Education for the policies and procedures that govern the operation of the school district. Student Trustees, annually selected by the Student Senate to provide a student perspective, sit at the Board table during open meetings and serve on Board committees.

Trustees make decisions based on the best interests of all the students and schools in the district, keeping in mind the concerns of the public in the area in which they were elected, and Board policy and budgets. The Board consults with school councils about educational issues. Trustees also act as a resource for school council, but refer administrative matters to a Superintendent.

The Ministry of Education administers education legislation and sets funding levels. It is responsible for setting general direction for education policy in Ontario and setting guidelines for curriculum and student assessment. The Ministry reports to school councils annually about education in the province and provides about their roles and responsibilities.

A constitution defines the purpose of the school council and outlines goals and values. It ensures consistency and continuity in the council structure and operation, even if membership changes each year. School council constitutions must satisfy all requirements of the Board as set out in Policy B-6.1.

A constitution must include by-laws on the following:

• quorum

• governance

• election procedures

• roles of officers and members, including the principal

• financial accountability

• decision-making

• purpose and scope of activities

• conflict of interest

• communications

• a procedure for filling vacancies

• conflict resolution

• a process for changing the constitution with a two-thirds majority. It may also include:

• code of ethics

• general expectations (re: attendance, promptness) for members

• number and schedule of meetings, with a minimum of four per year

• requirements of signing officers

• establishment and roles of committees, and

• process for seeking community input.

Here is a sample constitution, sample agenda, sample media release

It is important to clearly define the process for school council decision-making. Decision-making may be formal, through voting, or informal, such as reaching consensus.

School council accounts are subject to audit through Board and Ministry of Education processes. All banking deposits and records must be processed as outlined in the Guidelines for School Generated Funds document

School councils may wish to engage in fundraising activities. All Board fundraising guidelines must be followed as outlined in Guidelines for School Generated Funds and school councils must conform with Board Policy BA-4.8 and procedures. In addition,

• School councils that fundraise should present regular fundraising reports

• funds generated by schools must be spent in consultation with the principal

• the principal approves allocation of any funds through the School Council Fundraising Plan

• a School council budget should be set yearly to guide fundraising. Remember to celebrate the success and commitment of the fundraising team.

School councils may choose to strike sub-committees to make recommendations. Every committee must include at least one member of school council who reports to Council and seeks approval for any initiatives. The principal has final authority over any committee initiatives in the school. Committees may include, but are not limited to:

• Arts Committee

• Fundraising Committee

• Graduation Committee

• Hot Lunch Committee

• Playground Committee

• Policy Review Committee

• Volunteer Committee

• Wellness Committee

A constitution should also outline members' roles and responsibilities. For example, school council members shall:

a) attend and participate in school council meetings

b) participate in information and training programs as needed

c) act as a link between the school council and the community

d) welcome the participation of parent(s)/guardian(s) from all groups, and of other people within the community

e) follow Board policies and procedures and comply with applicable legislation

f) act in good faith

g) observe the Council's code of ethics.

˿Ƶ District School Board's fundamental purpose is student success. One of ˿Ƶ's guiding principles, outlined in Our Values, states: “We foster parental involvement and community engagement to build partnerships that support student learning.”

The Board's relationships with school councils are significant in relation to supporting student achievement. Parental involvement in, and awareness of, school-based initiatives solidify this connection and strengthens the link between school and home.

School councils should support student achievement by becoming familiar with, and providing feedback on, school improvement plans. There are also opportunities for school councils to participate in related initiatives.

Examples of specific school council activities that support student achievement include:

• Art/Music/Theatre in the School

• Book Fairs

• Celebrating Successes

• EQAO Deconstruction Activity

• Guest Speakers/Performers/Professionals

• Library/Literacy/Math resources and support materials

• Literacy/Math Night

• Nutrition and Fitness Programs

• Poet/Author in the School

• Read-a-thon

• Reading volunteers' training sessions

Parents and guardians have the primary responsibility for developing their children's character. However, it takes a community to raise a child. This community includes the school and the school council. Up to 70% of taxpayers in our communities have no children in schools yet all the children in our schools will eventually become adult citizens and, potentially, our neighbours. We all have a responsibility to ensure that the future citizens of our country have good character. To that end, school councils can help support the development of character and citizenship in our children and our youth in many ways. Councils can:

• Demonstrate good character.

• Take an active interest in what's happening in the school with respect to character and citizenship education.

• Ensure school initiatives are culturally relevant and responsive to the school community.

• Have representation on the school's Character and Citizenship Education Committee.

• Encourage community partnerships that provide students with opportunities to give back to their community (i.e. Students Helping Seniors, Coats for Kids).

• Communicate in a variety of ways with parents, guardians, and community members about the school's character and citizenship building efforts and the need for community involvement in support of this initiative (i.e. newsletters, newspaper articles, radio interviews, posters in community businesses).

• Establish a committee of council dedicated to promoting and raising awareness of character and citizenship development within the larger school community (i.e. Random Acts of Kindness program, KidsVote Canada program).

• Encourage parents and guardians to talk with their children about good character and active citizenship - what they look like, sound like and feel like, and why they are important for current and future success in life.

• Determine (i.e. through surveys) if there is a need for parent/guardian information sessions to help parents and guardians refine skills for communicating with their children, thereby promoting character development; school councils may organize such sessions.

• Find ways to celebrate examples of good character and positive citizenship (i.e. awards, incentives, through newsletters).

• Work with community leaders toward declaring the community a Community of Character.

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